
Writing Contests and Competitions

This page will be updated regularly with the latest writing contests and competitions from around the web and the world! Make sure to bookmark it. If you are promoting a writing contest, or are aware of one that is not listed here, please send the details to[email protected]and we’ll include it here as soon …Read more

25 Writing Competitions You Should Enter

Have you completed one or more short stories, poems, or nonfiction pieces? Perhaps you’d like some motivation — or to take the next step with them. This post lists writing competitions for 2011 that feature cash prizes of $1,000 or more and, often, publication deals for the winner (plus, for many contests, additional prizes for …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: And The Winner Is…

First of all a big thank you for all the participants and all the readers who supported the competition. As you probably know by now the poem “The Storm in My Black Belly” won the competition, with 922 votes. Bindu won a $100 gift card to Amazon. The runners-up were “The Invisible Entertainer”, “The Moon …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: The Final

是时候找出第一DWT的获胜者Poetry Competition. Only four poems were supposed to make it to the final, but on the second semi-final we had a small glitch with the closing time of the poll, and three poems were almost tied, so we promoted all of the to …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: Second Semi-Final

Welcome to the second semi-final of our poetry competition. The first is going pretty well, with over 350 votes already, and two poems fighting for the second spot on the final. The two poems with the highest number of votes from this semi-final will also be promoted to the final, which will take place next …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: First Semi-Final

Welcome to the first semi-final of our poetry competition. If you like poetry, you’ll certainly have your share of it today, as the poems below won the qualifying rounds. The two poems with the highest number of votes today will go to the final (along with two poems from the second semi-final). The poll will …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: Fourteenth Round

Welcome to the last one of the qualifying rounds. Next week we’ll already have the two semi-finals: one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. If by any chance you submitted a poem and it has not been featured yet please contact me ([email protected]) and I’ll look here to see if I can find it. Finally, …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: Thirteenth Round

We are almost there! After this round there will be just one left, and then we’ll proceed to the semi-finals. One would think that the quality of the poems would go down occasionally, but so far all the qualifying rounds were pretty strong. Make sure to cast a vote for you favorite one as usual. …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: Twelfth Round

It is Thursday, and as usual we have a new round of our poetry competition. The poems of each round are selected randomly. Oddly enough, you’ll find that many of them share a common topic (and sometimes even the title is similar!). Make sure to cast a vote for your favorite, and feel free to …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: Eleventh Round

Welcome to the eleventh round of our poetry competition. It looks like we’ll only have 14 qualifying rounds, so by next week we’ll already know all the semi-finalists. There is also one rule we forgot to mention before: only one poem is allowed per person. If you sent several and haven’t heard back from us, …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: Tenth Round

Welcome to another round of the DWT Poetry Competition. As usual we have some talented writers in this round, so check it out. Before we proceed with the poems, though, let me clarify some doubts that participants manifested. First of all did not send a confirmation to everyone who submitted their poems, so do not …Read more

DWT Poetry Competition: Ninth Round

It is Tuesday, and as expected another round of our Poetry Competition is live. We have seen 90 poems already, and still have 60 or so to go. After we implemented a second layer of security in the poll it looks like the number of votes per round became stable, which is a good thing. …Read more