
Advertise on DailyWritingTips

Do you have a product or service that can help writers, bloggers and online freelancers? Then our blog is the right platform to promote it. Below you’ll find all the details.

Website Stats

  • Over 1 million monthly visitors.
  • 80,000 email subscribers.
  • 100,000 Twitter followers.
  • 35,000 Facebook fans
  • Mentioned or recommended by over 30 top US universities
  • Mentioned on the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Writer’s Digest, Reader’s Digest and other mainstream publications.

Advertising Options

  • 300×250 Rectangle: Displayed on the right sidebar on all pages of the blog. You get 100% of our impressions. Max one sponsor at any time.
  • Newsletter ad:Text message at the bottom of our newsletter, which gets delivered to 80,000 subscribers once a week.

Get In Touch For Rates and Availability

If you are interested, just send an email to[email protected]and we’ll get back to you with the rates and availability.